A daily Lenormand card based on your name and date of birth.
Each day, receive one card with a complete description of what that card means for you that day. Card texts were written in Dutch by the world famous card reader and scholar, Renée Merkestijn.
Madame Lenormand was born in Alencon on May 27, 1772 and died in Paris on June 25, 1843.
She had an eventful life predicting the future, for none other than, Napoleon, Robespierre and Louis-Philippe, the French king.
She was showered with honors but imprisoned when her predictions did not please those in power.
She gave a new luster to predicting with cards. The fortunetelling cards named after her, have been used with great success around the world for years.
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她有一个多事的寿命预测未来,为莫属,拿破仑,罗伯斯庇尔和路易 - 菲利普,法国国王等。